black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Arte accesible para todos

Promovemos el arte y la cultura en nuestra comunidad.

Talleres creativos

Aprende y crea en nuestros talleres artísticos.

Exposiciones de artistas locales y emergentes.

Eventos culturales para toda la comunidad.

Eventos culturales

Bienvenidos a Art Lab

Art Lab es un centro cultural que promueve el acceso al arte para todos, fomentando un espacio profesional y formal para la comunidad artística de nuestra ciudad.

a view of a city at dusk from a rooftop
a view of a city at dusk from a rooftop



Cultura para todos

Experiencia única

Servicios Artísticos

Facilitamos el acceso al arte para todos, promoviendo la cultura y el talento local.

Talleres Creativos

Ofrecemos talleres para artistas y el público, fomentando la creatividad y la expresión artística.

a large screen on the side of a large body of water
a large screen on the side of a large body of water
Exposiciones Abiertas

Realizamos exposiciones que muestran el trabajo de artistas locales, acercando el arte a la comunidad.

Eventos Culturales

Actividades que celebran el arte y la cultura, creando un espacio de encuentro para todos.
man in grey crew-neck t-shirt standing near group of people
man in grey crew-neck t-shirt standing near group of people
a large glass building with many windows
a large glass building with many windows

Galería de Arte

Acceso al arte para todos, artistas y público en general.

A black and white photo of a row of windows
A black and white photo of a row of windows
white concrete building near body of water during daytime
white concrete building near body of water during daytime
a statue on top of a building with a city in the background
a statue on top of a building with a city in the background
a statue on top of a building with a city in the background
a statue on top of a building with a city in the background
A statue of a man with a hat and cane
A statue of a man with a hat and cane
woman taking picture during daytime
woman taking picture during daytime

Art Lab ha transformado nuestra comunidad, haciendo el arte accesible y fomentando la creatividad en todos.

María López

woman sitting on ground
woman sitting on ground
man wearing black and brown dress
man wearing black and brown dress
